Saving Our City英语作文

时间:2022-10-05 17:55:53 专题作文 投诉 投稿
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Saving Our City英语作文

  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家收集的Saving Our City英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。

Saving Our City英语作文

  It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be thrown away or reused properly. Or it may cause a lot of problems. It may pollute the air and water. People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

  Our city has started to face the problem. Some rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain place 。 Waste gas is cleaned before it goes into the air. Waste water is also cleaned before it is poured into rivers.

  People should be prevented from throwing rubbish everywhere. We should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.

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